31 Ağustos 2009 Pazartesi

Effective Classroom Management

School functioning of this system is likened to a system in terms of an important class of units is. Class education and training activities planned for students along with all the positive behavior models can be won is a platform. Planner of the classroom environment, the administrator is the teacher. Teacher to a film director can visualize.

How reflected in the success of the film director, the teacher's success in the classroom and then will be reflected in students' success. Taking into account all that the teacher can perform an effective classroom management must take into account certain considerations. In this article, a 45-minute classroom management course has been designed taking into consideration the time. Into four sections dealt with the management recommendations provided below in the order discussed.

1 - teachers and students in classroom behavior Formatting
2 - Subject and course content of the presentation of
3 - the implementation of reward and punishment rules
4 - Plug in the face of potential problem behaviors that can be models.

Teachers and students in Class

1-formatting behavior:

Within the teacher's classroom behavior of students in a way that determines their behavior. So students are to be a mirror of teachers. They repeat what they see. In this respect, every behavior of teachers by students carefully follow the lesson was unutmamalıdır.Öğretmenin recess at the entrance to the exit much so that the exemplary model sıralayalım.Öğretmen enter class on time and on time çıkmalıdır.Kılık still respectable first entry olmalıdır.Sınıfa during the middle at the level of all students come eye to eye in a position to must stop. All students must observe strain, if you talk with others scattered attention, or teacher has not noticed that students should have never given a command, waiting in silence, all eyes on the collector should greet after class and then ask them to be seated. If you do not give importance to it later in your course the same behavior again eder.Dokümanlarını placed on a table after a short hike in the class students should have the patient should ask about, do not come if there should know where the garbage where you have to be taken should ask politely. If the students refuse to take orders if they should not hesitate to take his place at the waste must. While doing that, like a trivial incident should receive davranmalıdır.Sınıf poll, the polling list when you get the name, the name came to read non-attendance should be recorded in the chips. Are asked to monitor if there is continuity in the poll may be abused. In this respect, teachers are very important poll is the poll yapmalıdır.Sınıf event itself. Sometimes a student is not in the classroom could lead to important results to be displayed. I live in my high school years to pass a souvenir I want. "High School 3 grade students, while the afternoon class as a tourism course at one of our friends did not attend the same course a second time if all our friends, including the teacher did not notice it. Our friends who appear to have the plug in the poll unless a network outside of school with having committed the crime of theft. As a result of the investigation of safety incidents that appear in time for school teachers and students had won the support. However, as a result of the emergence of other crimes evidence had accepted. Thus, our teacher and we've been back from a serious error. "Course of dealing should be done according to the daily plan and annual plan, the course two minutes before the end of a class of books should be filled in the subject line. Order in the next lesson so that the subject was followed in a realistic manner to the extent necessary olur.Öğretmen must use their gestures and facial expressions. This movement of students plays an important role in collecting the scattered attention.

With students during class size may be joking. Students interested in class level is that many teachers do so. However, a female or a male teacher male students to female students in the teacher's hands in contact with the chaff is extremely faulty, different interpretations and can create problems.

Respect to the size of the order of the students sitting in the format may not be protected at any moment. For example, a student leg, arm and leg on the horse, while other students can put their friend's shoulder. This and similar cases, the students made of tough warning is incorrect. Because the 45-minute class period, moreover, this is progress in the course, attention will cause the collapse. To prevent only those students may be aware of the warning or a sympathetic eye and facial gestures made with a warning or ... mm, such as a loving warning in the student's embarrassed to recover sağlayacaktır.Unutmayın students in a class all of the IQ'ı, psychological status, morale, mental health is not the same level. In this respect, the behavior of students should not be perceived as disrespect for her negativity. Against them to be considerate, to feel your love, to forgive mistakes, will allow them to control their behavior. Another time or even come to your side and has watched many of the apology dileyeceklerdir.Altıncı his film. I remember that movie about the subject I want to transfer a part. Our hero is a student in the film. Outside the spirits of the dead will speak with the students what the secret to her mother nor his colleagues do not know what the teachers. A conversation with the spirit of reaching intolerable proportions in the class period, our hero suddenly starts to cry. Expressions like this is a stupid teacher and. But teachers do not perceive it as disrespect. With the name warns. Normal behavior does not say. Courses outside the negotiations should remind us. Our hero becomes normal. Perhaps many of our teacher students perceived as disrespectful behavior disorder can be ugly. A karate teacher in the movie scenes and even reverse the result can be the points. However, such a student with a lesson in attitude if not already spiritual crisis, the event may result in a crisis.

Classroom management authority under the provision has an important place. The concept of authority by some teachers have been misunderstanding. Students do not move, do not turn left to the right-side do not talk to the students, teachers to look at constantly, as if the air can be heard in the quiet environment of the fly tip was asked if the buzz. This sort of misunderstanding is the idea of authority. Education teaching methods within the authority, the teacher's control holds the class of directors to be teachers of the shape de anlaşılmalıdır.Öğrencilerin her behavior to suppress speech to block, with a scare on students to dominate modern teaching methods and would contradict such as students' future lives involving a lot of social behavior to the development of the handicap is . In this respect the students themselves to express the possibility should be given, the behavior also measured at the end of a flexible teacher kazandırılmalıdır.Ders documents get into the hands and once again stand in line during the entire class with his eyes to monitor each student and make eye contact, but then silently with his eyes "Friends you really like yourself, make sure . "Say, this time with words after" Friends of course a good course to work well ", or the last lesson" good holidays "should say. Do not forget that you greet them with words from the message you want to transfer more of your eye will be better understood.

2-subject and the presentation of course content is:

Issues of teaching skill of teachers planned create sympathetic is of crucial importance. Hours in a topic mentioned along with these qualifications, while the content presented on the following recommendations be complied with also the teacher's efficiency artıracaktır.Derse daily plan must be entered. If you do not have a daily plan derya no value. Because the information from memory is described and issues in order to bypass the shift is about. Sometimes you'll forget to tell a small but important details. But this lack of information about you that you'll think of the subject constitute a failure of integrity within. This type of failure in examinations of our students will enter a question or questions will be settled. Will also lead to reduction in self-confidence of teachers plansızlık. Many teachers enter the class late this truth behind the lies.

Daily schedule before the handling of the matter later identified as suitable for the purpose of better understanding of issues of interest to everyday life can be told who set examples. Preparing relevant questions can be asked again. Thus, students' minds about the upper left corner of the board certainly prepared olur.Sınıf course name, unit and enter the names and topics. What you want to teach your students better understand the subject. Without learning the name of a cinema to watch films or movies you do not want to know the names of curiosity and stimulates desire. For example, such as Matrix and Gladiator ...

While the subject presented formulas and other information that you find important notes please ignore. This is important information when writing on the board you get into a frame. Accents by students to be used during the present algılanır.Konunun better methods and techniques are very important. Learning to take place with the highest efficiency depends on it. Declaration (Lecture), questions and answers, demonstrations, experiments, discussions, excursions-observation, and test scenarios are the primary method of education known. Teachers, taking into account the properties of the unit will operate, must take advantage of this method and techniques. But nothing in the plain language of the unit dealing method should not be used alone. Because the plain language teachers are active students become passive. Students interested in such a course of dealing is not always possible to achieve. If the subject property in terms of plain narrative method, this method is essential to support the question-answer method is possible. In addition, all applications of the method to students during the "brainstorming" can be made. Brainstorming, the students expressed their opinions about the subject matter, is to make comments. Teachers in a controlled way it could make the course more fun than dealing with the current method only olur.Öğretmen not satisfied. Closely the developments in education by learning new teaching methods won lesson. My math teacher a lesson to the students in problem solving as saying that the game was played. Similar to the competition in the television program for every problem a student volunteer on the board are invited. Blue, red or yellow card, choose one of the problems are requested. Prefer to resolve the problem could not be rewarded with chocolate or oral. When such an animal can not be solved by doing rather than pretending to sit. (Note the punishment does not.) By students in my classes are fun and simple questions that söylemişti.Önce exercises with examples here. Subject to begin with difficult questions of course lead to the reduction of the interest of students with weak expression of the many questions with olur.Konu must make. The increasing number of questions students will activate. Increase class participation. Already as a new student-centered education model as well as düşünülmektedir.Öğrencilerinizin let you ask questions about. This situation allows them to develop projects on the issue. If a student is asked questions about issues related to the level of your motivated demektir.Ses ton each student in the class can hear Keep an adjustment. A high volume of students in the class and even uncomfortable in the classroom is adjacent. After a while a low volume of students interested in the cause reduced attention again to collect olur.Dağılan temporary reduction or increase your volume settings can make. But this is often done after the securities section of the yitirir.Dersin 15-minute attention of students is steadily decreasing. In this case, to gain attention again within a period of 5 minutes' rest of the students. In the meantime, you can joke, can make jokes, or on relevant examples from everyday life when today's technology, the possibility of transferring konuşabilirsiniz.Dersinizi Work injury. Computer, overhead projector, slides, tables, or models subject to the visual dimension by moving the information to be learned more easily provide. All the technological tools that you use your course when you make your students sympathetic consideration to the credit of you use artırır.Tahtayı using colored chalk to draw relevant scheme or shapes do not neglect. Charts, figures or sketches that appear to be complex information will make clear. For example, while a verbal directions to someone else instead of recipes, we prefer to draw sketches. Be easier to draw a sketch of the subject matters within sağlar.Dersin final section a brief summary to discover what is taught hatırlatın.3, 4 questions with a mini-exam (quiz) helps to make the information measure. As a result, knowledge about the subject you will learn how.

3-the application of reward and punishment rules:

Encouraging prize, the penalty is known as a deterrent. Usually there are always these two in all educational systems. Good dose of positive impact on learning when they are set. But how the dose should be adjusted? How to apply rewards and penalties to be treated? Almighty Creator "My mercy, I was surrounded my wrath." Buyuruyor. So do not give a reward, do not donate more of my sentence is said. While such punishment more teachers Hal prefer, does not mean you can not be setting a good dose? In this respect, rewards should be prominent in classroom management. Students to attend class, their answers to questions, do your homework on time, course, etc. to the original description. can be done with all the behaviors ödüllendirilmelidir.Ödüllendirmeler not verbally expressed such appreciation can be done with the good words. This type of positive changes in the expression of their inner world occur in high school chemistry teacher getirir.Okuduğum given to a simple question at the end of the answer "In fact, you get an intelligent student," he said. These words impressed me so much that a mediocre student in the chemistry classes I work hard to become became the first class. High school graduates from the literature arms Even though the university examination of the chemistry teacher, and I prefer at this time the chemistry teacher in my life when it comes sürdürüyorum.Cezalandırmaya, to use physical violence, expulsion from the course to be heavy and hurt user to speak, not with the punishment already done that should not be used yanlıştır.Asla . Each student is an honor. To be a teacher, we do not give the right to break their honor. However, if the course is less serious penalties are ways that can be applied on behalf of supply. This follows some of the methods and multi-speaking students do not listen to your sıralayabiliriz.Dersi "at the end of this course you going to do a summary of issues" could be called. Not to be a good follow-up to embarrass the rest coming unprepared continuous edecektir.Derse book, books by non-students are often problematic students. This course is for students to give punishment is still broken. Them, "I want to discuss with you from the course after a special" here and absolutely love them at the exit of course by approaching the problem why they behave like that. Listen to the problem behavior you expect of them provide positive. However improvement is not as advisor to guide students toward being self-rine problem iletin.Öğrenci a question does not know. Already a student is incorrect to unsolicited questions does not require punishment. But at a time to every inquiry, but also removes the broken finger that respond very well offend without speaking students, proverbs, etc.. The wise words can stimulate. Think you can tell the importance of speech and on-site. Students liked this type, perhaps you may act like they are.

In the face of potential problem behaviors may be

4-plug models:

This topic will be proposed model consists of personal recommendations. They are open to discussion. We can better approach to problem solving with models also. Problem types before a good understanding of the nuances and events should be viewed from this window. This nuance is this: The problem is not students, the students who have problems. As students talk about problems we sometimes incorrect. Event in this way to approach makes the problem unsolvable. But a lot of students suggestions for problem solution is talking about the geliştirebiliriz.1990 'I've worked in a school-related courses into the chemistry I had a student named Kyle. Mehmet among teachers about the timing "problem students" in the form of a conviction occurred. Mehmet said, Mehmet that he has increased complaints fairly. Any dispute is between me and Kyle did not. And like a cool wind blow öğrenciydi.Sonbaharın that day. Though they are not many students in the school yard, a corner of the garden away from the school rather see somebody lying in the grass. This cold weather quite a logical thing to do at the grass was not arbitrary. Probably a student who is thought to shortages. I approached the student lying on grass thoroughly Mehmet is also noticed. When you see me to recover. Tried to hide his face. However, straining their eyes for years I have seen. Occurred in me feelings of compassion. After a little comforting words "No is, why are you crying?" I said. He also "my teacher for me, problem students were going in," he said. This means that teachers in her ear, speaking to the subject matter also went. Worse still referred to as the problem itself to be heard. Who knows? Problem in her inner world, such as the ruins of what was done. Perhaps such errors are excluded students, deprived of affection for the time they commit the crime are addressed. In fact, the problem of students like Kyle, they reduce the number of problem does not, but rather realize increased. For this reason, "Problem students" most likely to be encountered some problems with characterization yanlıştır.Sınıfta types may include, in the presence of the class discussion with a student to do (polemics do) is wrong. In fact, teachers should never fall into such a situation. Say it to the level of polemics with the students to do in and means to reduce levels. But somehow we have lost control Let's be ourselves and go find an anonymous discussion. Then what? Of course, the situation falls into a difficult situation. But the debate by a show of virtue must punctuation. Students who do this should not be a teacher. For example, "What we do, hurt each other is not something useful outside of the final, and then only two of our discussion concerns, we do not have the right to disturb the class. Let's put the best point of this discussion for now. Courses outside and inside our tea and we try to solve the problem can be more dispassionate way. World enough and both of us "with expressions such as smoothing out and events, to the point of discussion in your classes your students konur.Bir noticed that when you chew gum in the event closer to biting the sentence is also objectionable. For example, "cud do good," he let us have. According to the principle effect of the student's response is likely also an abnormal response. If such an answer is already chewing gum is also likely. Solution within the student's class can approach without insult. For example, going to the next may be the only way that "does not suit you" or "Senden did not expect such a behavior," you say düzeltecektir.Ara status to one of the courses students from late summer no difference was whether "there is not seeing that I was writing I do not want to enter the class" get said. In such cases, "You know, then go to say to students is as premiums and then experiencing similar behavior causes. Why is late with her a beautiful language of breathing administrator, to explain the problem, the permissions may take the paper, after which the place must be like to follow the course. Her class is a movement that deliberately enter the wrong for not söylenebilir.Ders during a student's cell phone in hand, let's volkmen have seen such a device. Especially for mobile phones messages can be found in private messages to registered phones will not want to give. Is prohibited from trying to get his hand to say is still broken. If you did not give prestige are vulnerable. In this case the event can be found in the following approach. "Turn off the device and put into bags, to bring to class an incorrect behavior. I do not want to see you again "could be called. In the event brought out again in the course guide for teachers or the administration may be news. Extracurricular event management in the interest of a class to perform throughout is kolaylaştırır.Etkili solution in the hands of teachers. Successful teacher, industry information, the formation integrity and love in a trio is capable teachers.

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